Major Themes
Blindness and Ignorant Bliss: "If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up."
Normal is what you're used to.
Xenophobia, conformity, ethnocentricism, and community unity
The ignorant masses vs. the educated "barbarian"
Ideological fanaticism as a form of blindness
Study Questions
One. How is blindness a metaphor? 5 What is "sinister" about blindness? What kind of definitions of blindess are there?
Blindness that results from not wanting to wake from one's pleasant dream. We all hear that ignorance is bliss. So keep the blissful dream going and keep reality away from me. Another way of discussing this type of blindness is calling it denial or willed ignorance.
Why face reality when I'm happy and comfortable in my delusions?
Why see myself for who I really am, a fat, unattractive loser, when I believe I'm a fit, intelligent super model on the verge of having my own popular reality TV show?