The purpose of a writing class is to develop a meaningful thesis, direct or implied, that will generate a compelling essay. Most importantly, a meaningful thesis will have a strong emotional connection between you and the material. In fact, if you don’t have a “fire in your belly” to write the paper, your essay will be nothing more than a limp document, a perfunctory exercise in futility. A successful thesis will also be intellectually challenging and afford a complexity worthy of college-level writing. Thirdly, the successful thesis will be demonstrable, which means it can be supported by examples and illustrations in a recognizable organizational design.
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As we read here, aggregator plagiarism is where you properly quote your references, but little or no essay is written in your own words with your own analysis.
This is not strict plagiarism, but it diminishes your essay to a D grade in part because aggregate plagiarism is a sign that you did not read the assigned text.
[note: if students already have a turnitin account from a previous semester, they can continue to log in with the old information -- they just need to "join" your class by using the Class ID and password above]
Always bring a printed copy of the essay on the due date.
IMPORTANT: You must ALSO submit the essay draft electronically to exactly by the draft deadline for it to be considered on time. At the very least, I must receive either your hard copy or your turnitin submission by the time class starts on the due date; otherwise, your conference appointment will be cancelled with no chance to reschedule, AND there will be a full grade deduction.