Essay One
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
In a 6-page contrast essay profile someone (through personal interview) who suffers from the existential vacuum, describing that person with an understanding of Frankl’s ideas and terminology. Then for the second half of your essay, profile someone (through a personal interview) who has achieved meaning, describing that person with an understanding of Frankl’s themes and language. Your last page, page 7, will be your Works Cited page. It must include 4 sources: Frankl’s book, my blog, and the 2 personal interviews.
Essay Two
It’s Beginning to Hurt by James Lasdun
In a 6-page comparison essay, choose two characters from your two favorite Lasdun stories and compare them to two people you’ve interviewed. The basis of your comparison should be people who suffer from demonic possession (in the figurative, not literal, sense) like the afflictions you read in the stories. You should devote about 3 pages to each story/person comparison for a total of 6 pages. Your last page, page 7, will be your Works Cited page. It must include 4 sources: Lasdun’s book, my blog, and the 2 personal interviews.
Essay Three
The Essential Tales of Chekhov edited by Richard Ford
In a 6-page essay, write an extended definition of The Irrational Mind, especially as it pertains to self-deception, referring to no fewer than 3 Chekhov stories. You may only address assigned stories. To give depth and resonance and relevance to your definition, you must use an updated personal example, through an interview, to illustrate your essay. Your last page, page 7, will be your Works Cited page. It must include 3 sources: Chekhov’s book, my blog, and your personal interview.
Essay 4
The Night in Question by Tobias Wolff
Write a 6-page research paper in which you develop an extended definition of the term narcissism using at least 3 stories. To further illustrate narcissism, include a personal interview. You must have a Works Cited page with no fewer than 3 sources, the stories, my blog, and a personal interview that gives depth and resonance about the idea of narcissism. Your seventh page, the Works Cited page, should have 3 sources: Wolff’s book, my blog, and your personal interview.
Policy on Plagiarism
Any attempt to commit fraud, misrepresenting someone else’s writing as your own, including turning in essays from previous semester, will result in an automatic F grade, zero points, which mathematically, will disqualify you from earning a grade higher than a C for the semester. You will not be allowed to rewrite for a higher grade and because of the breach of trust it will be preferred that you drop the class.
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