1. Comparing Trump and Hitler: Is It Legit?
2. "The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans"
3. "We've Lost"
4. "The Circles of American Financial Hell"
5. "How Americans Became So Sensitive to Harm"
6. "What's Wrong with the Redskins"
7. "Will Violence Save Football?"
8. "There's No Such Thing as Free Will"
9. "How Facebook Warps Our World"
10. "The Case for Treating Animals as Humans"
11. False Stereotypes of Millennial
"Defending Millennials from David Brooks' Claim"
12. Should Guns be Allowed on College Campuses?
13. David Byrne on Gun Control (full essay here)
14. "Debunking the Myths Behind the 'Math Myth'"
15. Comparing the end of slavery with the end of guns
16. "The War on Stupid People"
18. Vaccination Double Standard
19. Should Prison Sentences be Given for Crimes Not Committed?
20. Gender Pay-Gap
21. Hitting Kids
22. OJ Simpson Case and Run for His Life (make into a writing assignment with Run for His Life)
23. "The Absurd Primacy of the Automobile in American Life"
24. Against Empathy
25. "What the Slaughter of Christians in Lahore Says About Global Jihad" by Maajid Nawaz
26. Myth of the Autistic Shooter
27. Why Do They Blame Every School Shooting on Autism?
28. Autism, Empathy, and Violence
31. The Caging of America" by Adam Gopnik
32. "Mass Incarceration Has Become the New Welfare"
33. "The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration"
34. "The Moynihan Report: An Annotated Edition"
35. "The Case for Reparations"
37, "Environmentalism Is a Religion"; teach with Stephan Asma's "Green Guilt"
38. "Guns, Campuses, and Madness" by Frank Bruni; show with Stephen Colbert video
39. "A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths" by Nicholas Kristof
40. "After a 1996 Mass Shooting . . ." by Will Oremus
41. "The Simple Truth About Gun Control" by Adam Gopnik
42. "The Second Amendment Is a Gun-Control Amendment" by Adam Gopnik
43. "The Gun Debate Won't be Won with Statistics" by David Auerbach
44. John Oliver video on guns
45. "The Case for Expensive Clothes"
46. "Notes on the End of Restaurant Tipping"
47. "Addiction is not a disease"
48. Addiction is not a disease" reviewed by Laura Miller
49. "Is Addiction a Habit or a Disease?" by Zachary Siegel
50. "Addiction is a Disease and Needs to be Treated as Such" by David Sack
51. Steve Almond argues that we should stop watching the NFL in Salon.
52. "The Weight of the Evidence" (Why You Shouldn't Diet)
53. Can we separate the artist from the person? A debate about Woody Allen
55. "The 1 percent plays us for suckers"
56. "The career assassination of Cornel West"
59. "Why the right will never have its own Stephen Colbert"
60. "America's obesity misinformation epidemic"
61. "Relationships Are More Important Than Ambition"
63. "Push, Don't Crush, the Students"
64. "How I Got Converted to G.M.O. Food"
65. "Pagan Statism"
67. "Why It Pays to be a Jerk"
68. "See No Junk Food, Buy No Junk Food" in NYT
69. "Traitors to Their Class" in NYT
70. "In College and Hiding from Scary Ideas" in NYT
71. "Dangerous Magical Thinking" in Slate
72. Did culture or economics kill the two-parent family?
73. "Teaching Doubt" in The New Yorker
74. Why Inequality Exists in America in The New Yorker
75. Treating Prisoners Like Human Beings
76. Website Allows People to Make Reparations
77. Case Against the Media by the Media (teach with John Oliver's media video)
78. Linking Higher Wages to Lower Crimes
79. Should We Raise the Minimum Wage?
80. Raising Minimum Wage Won't Reduce Inequality
81. Minimum Wage Debate: Who's Right?
82. Minimum Wage Laws: Ruinous Compassion
83. Minimum Wage Laws and Dangers of Government by Decree
84. Minimum Wage Hike Is the Wrong Fix
85. Why We Need to Raise the Minimum Wage
86. The Failed Promise of Legal Pot
87. Art of Marketing Marijuana
89. Can We Trust Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
90. The Hazards of Nerd Supremacy: The Case of WikiLeaks
91. How to Think About WikiLeaks
93. Forgiving All Student Loan Debt Would be an Awful, Regressive Idea
94. The Problem with Public Colleges Going Tuition-Free
95. Emptiness: An an essay about narcissism
96. Morality of Food Choices in Malcolm Gladwell's Podcast
97. Malcolm Gladwell's Food Fight
98. Bowdoin's Defense Against Gladwell
99. Mother Jones Challenges Gladwell
100. Gladwell's Food Fight podcast on YouTube
101. Defense of Gladwell
102. "You Can't Love People But Hate Their Religion"
103. Forbes Critique of Peter Singer's Anti-Charity Essay
104. Peter Singer's "Good Charity, Bad Charity"
105. Christopher Hitchens' Challenges Mother Teresa's Iconic Status
106. "American Murder Mystery" by Hanna Rosin and related essay by Whet Moser
107. "The Cost of Being First" by Melissa Scholes Young
108. "The Case Against Democracy"
109. NFL conspires to hook childre. True?
110. Nerd Vs. Nebbish
111. Hooked for Life, see above.
112. Lessons of an Addict (teach with habit and disease model debate)
113. I've Left Twitter
114. UnPlug by Baratunde Thurston pair with counterargument in Pointlessness of Unplugging.
116. "Who Are the New Yuppies?"
117. Essay about critical thinking deficits in The Baffler.
118. Speaking Ill of Hugh Hefner
119. Limits of Diversity
120. "Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City" by Nikole Hannah-Jones
121. "Remembering History As Fable"
122. "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?"
123. "Coddling of the American Mind"
124. Can we compare smoking and drinking to opioids?
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