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April 11, 2008


Ed S.

Looks like that brushed-aluminum, lots-o-dials-and-buttons 1970's look is making a comeback...here's another example by Lexon:

Jeff McMahon

I like the Troika's look, but I'm skeptical of its performance. I haven't read any reviews.

Tom Welch

Click http://hkradioer.googlepages.com/v21 for a real radio.

Jeff McMahon

Is the CRF-V21 an upcoming radio or a thing of the past? I'd like to post some photos if possible. Thanks.


Any idea how these Lexon radios sound (or who builds the radio parts)? Some of them are «très design»... ;-)

Jeff McMahon

Tres chic indeed. I haven't read any reviews, but I'm skeptical about performance. From where you live, can you order the Sangean PR-D5? That's a good radio for AM and FM.


Thanks for the advice.
At the moment I'm patiently waiting for the BA Solo to reach my local dealer and will try it as soon as it gets there. I had looked at the PR-D5 but I'm not sure it would be approved by the local "style police"... It certainly looks like a good deal and a good performer.

Tom Welch

Jeff: The Sony radio is now considered a classic and I've seen them priced as high as $4,000 USD used. To learn more go to http://www.dxing.com/rx/crf330k.htm and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYOYyaXtD3k. BTW,I ran down a review of the Troika radio that basically stated this radio is of poor built quality and performance. I'm not sure I mentioned this before, Sangean is soon coming out with a new radio similar to the PRD5 but targeting the AM listener. AM dxing is a huge hobby outside the USA, specifically Japan where there's two times the number of ham radio operators on a per capita basis.

Jeff McMahon

Thanks, I'll post your news about the Sangean.


BTW, this "Troika" radio looks surprisingly like the AD900 by Addex design (http://www.addex.com/ ). Cf. nice picture here:
...obviously some shared design or rebranding.

And to follow up on my earlier question about Lexon radios, at least one US retailer claims that one of their newer clock radio integrates Tivoli audio:
Wonder how much of this is just wishful thinking...

Jeff McMahon

Cyril, thanks for that info, the latter of which I posted, thanks to you. One of my readers informed me that the Troika is a weak performer. I find the Long Radio more appealing. I'd like to know its performance.

gerald johnson

jeff, did you end up buying the troika radio? and if so, is it junk?! that damn little thing has seduced me to the point that im about to pull the trigger on it for 50.00 bucks plus 8.75 shipping. somebody stop me please!

Jeff McMahon

I wouldn't buy it. It appears to be a bad performer. I'd bet $500 it gets woeful AM. Spend $80 on a Sangean PR-D5. Let me know what you do.

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