The Objective: To create two 1-hour sweat-inducing workouts that can be alternated every day as an alternative to going to the gym.
The Advantages: No gym fees; no gym germs; no wearing out knees on treadmills and stair-steppers.
Necessary Equipment: Yoga mat, 2 sets of dumbbells which depending on strength might be 15 lbs. for pair and 30 lbs. for the other pair; two-handled medicine ball, which depending on strength might be between 12-20 lbs.
Workout #1: Chest, Arms, Legs, Abs
Part I: (takes about 30 minutes)
1. Lateral Explosive Medicine Ball Push Ups
2. Side Plank
3. Medicine Ball Leg Raises
4. Seal
5. Boat pose
6. Wide-Stance leg stretch
7. Dumbbell curls, to exhaustion; then do "reverse" curls to exhaustion
8. Standing Bow
9. Medicine Ball Push Ups to exhaustion. Variation: At the top of the push up, jump up and press the MB over your head then squat back down and do another push-up/squat/clean/press. This heats things up.
10. Side Plank
11. Medicine Ball Six-Pack Workout
12. Seal
13. Triangle
14. Dumbbell curls, to exhaustion; then do "reverse" curls to exhaustion
15. Yoga Stretch Cycle or Just Standing Toe Hold
16. Tricep Extensions, Seated or Standing
Part II (takes about 30 minutes)
1. Warrior 1 (I do a bit of a lunging motion for 30 reps or so until the quads really burn)
2. Up Dog
3. Down Dog
4. Side Plank
5. Hindu Push Ups or Fist Push Ups or One-Arm Push Ups
6. Bow; hold one foot at a time or use a towel if you have to
7. Warrior 2
8. Warrior 3
9. Half Moon
10. Up Dog
11. Down Dog
12. Side Plank
13. Medicine Ball Lunges
14. Pigeon Pose
15.Cobbler Pose
16. Corpse Pose
Workout #2: Shoulders, Back, Legs, Abs
Part I: (takes about 30 minutes)
1. Warrior 1
2. Side Plank
3. Medicine Ball Leg Raises
4. Seal
5. Medicine Ball Lunges
6. Warrior 2
7. Triangle
8. Forward Bend
9. Dumbbell Shoulder Press until exhaustion
10. Hands to Feet
11. Dumbbell Rows; you can substitute dumbbell with your handled medicine ball. Do until exhaustion.
12. Hands to Feet (again)
13. Dumbbell Rows (again)
14. Dumbell Upright Rows until exhaustion
15. Standing Bow
16. Side Laterals with Medicine Ball or Dumbbell until exhaustion
17. Single Arm Press with Medicine Ball
18. Side Laterals with your lighest dumbbells to exhaustion
Part II: (takes about 30 minutes)
1. Warrior 1
2. Side Plank
3. Tripod
4. Pigeon
5. Warrior 2
6. Side Plank
7. Tripod
8. Bow
9. Warrior 2 immediately followed by Warrior 3.
10. Down Dog
11. Up Dog
12. Medicine Ball Squat and Press until exhaustion
13. Pigeon
14. Boat Pose
15. Corpse
DVDs that I found helpful: Bryan Kest Power Yoga; Power Yoga: Total Body Workout with Rodney Yee
There can be many causes of knee pain and if you should experience knee pain especially if it is of a sudden onset it is always best to get this checked out by a doctor or physiotherapist/physical therapist to determine the cause of pain. However here are some basic exercises which you can do in the mean time. The main exercises to do for knee pain are to ensure that you maintain or improve range of motion (the amount of movement in your knee) and to improve strength. Both of these things will help to improve the pain.
Posted by: Jennifer | February 07, 2010 at 07:59 PM
Keep posting these ideas..
Posted by: Dumbbell rows | June 10, 2010 at 10:17 PM