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July 05, 2008


Ed S.

Does this gesture mean she's "cutting you some slack" so you can buy more radios? ...Didn't think so.

jeffrey McMahon

No, she was loving but clear in her dictate: No more cars.

I drove the Fit to work for 3 days and I was getting cut off with such insouciance that my testosterone was rising to dangerous levels.

I might have kept it had I got the auto. My past days of enjoying manual have been replaced with an OCD that makes me fret that I'm always in the wrong gear.

In the end I am truly embarrassed more than I am poor.

Tom Welch

Jeff, here's a link that offers some neat photos of Datsuns or Nissans over the last 50 years:


jeffrey McMahon

I still remember when Datsun made the switch to Nissan.

I hear their sales, like most auto companies, are down.

Tom Welch

Back in 1968, I bought a white Datsun 510 from Torrance Datsun where the Honda dealer is located last time I looked.

BTW, I drove to Prescott, AZ yesterday just to spend the day and the traffic was very light and I only saw 2 RVs in my 180 mile round trip. Usually, tons of RVs on a holiday weekend heading north on I-10 and I-17, we're starting to see some major life style changes in America now!!!

jeffrey McMahon

At least I only drive 4,000 miles on the Max.

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