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July 11, 2008


Mike W

"...certainly one of the best medium wave DXing machines to come down the pike in a long time."

That's Universal Radio's opinion of the PR-D5, and they don't print comments like that lightly. It is certainly stronger on MW than the RP2100/CCradio-SW, but the PR-D5 has kind of flown under the radar so far, perhaps because it doesn't have SW and is so funny-looking.

jeffrey McMahon

No company wants its product "under the radar." I think Sangean will get more buzz if they make the radio bigger and give it a boombox sound. Change the look also. Make it more rugged. Make it look like a Panasonic 1150. But now I'm getting carried away, projecting my own radio fantasies.


ALL of Tivoli's radios have gotten overpriced, unfortunately. The Model Two has gone from $160 to $300. How that's justifiable with the Model One @ $119 is beyond me. The PAL is $219 now. And they have the expected list price of the new NetWorks at $600 and up. Some of the stereo table radios are over $1000.

I thought that Henry Kloss was a big proponent of impressive quality at mere mortal pricing. Tivoli's pricing lately, though, has gotten sky-high.

I'm going to have a look at the Boston Horizon Solo this weekend, and the PR-D5 looks like a good gift for my father, who is currently using a CCRadio with dead display for his MW listening.

jeffrey McMahon

Tivoli has priced itself out of the market, or at least mine.

I own two BAHS and I love them. The best reception and speaker sound. There have been reports of bugs on the sleeper and alarm however. But mine have been fine.

Mike W

Matthew, that's exactly why I bought my PR-D5, because the display and buttons on my CCRadio gave out. MW performance is comparable. I wish the PR-D5 had one large speaker rather than two small ones, but that's a quibble. It certainly is better for music than the CCR is.

jeffrey McMahon

I agree with Mike that the PR-D5 offers better music sound than the C.Crane.

Tom Welch

Funny, my fantasies are usually about Shania Twain, not radio.

jeffrey McMahon

Tom, there are fantasies and there are fantasies. Apples and oranges.

Ed S.

I have to put my $.02 in: I've now tested 2 samples of the PR-D5 in my home. Sorry to report, but both are easily overloaded by a nearby AM station (1070-KNX). There is no way to reduce AM RF input, ie no LOCAL/DX switch RF Gain control. And I have many cheaper radios that do not overload so easliy on AM. This is a glaring design flaw in my opinion. Of course, on FM, just keeping the telescoping antenna unextended cuts the FM gain. Therefore, I can only reconmmend the PR-D5 for FM.

Mike W

I've read similar comments elsewhere, Ed, so apparently the overloading problem is in the design, not in unit-to-unit variation. I suppose whether the PR-D5 is appropriate for a given listener depends on location.


The Tivoli Songbook, with its chic design and warm sound, has been a delightful addition to my workout room. However, at its current price of $199, its value is questionable.

The Sangean PR-D5 offers superior AM reception and is priced around $80, making it a more cost-effective option. Despite its smaller speakers, the PR-D5 provides excellent performance for the price.

If you appreciate the Songbook's design and can afford it, it's worth enjoying, but for better value, the PR-D5 is a solid alternative. If moving or upgrading your equipment, consider professional services like Kansas City Piano Moving for a smooth transition.


Regarding price versus performance, I'll add my two cents here.
Being a long-time (now retired) professional in the electronics service business I was pleasently surprised to aquire two Boston Acoustics "Recepter" clock radios.
These were sold in the early 2000's, and are compact-sized radios, AC powered, with battery clock memory backup.
Both needed minor servicing, mainly the large filter capacitor in the power supply.
Other than that, those radios are amazing performers for their size.
The audio quality is great!
Ease of tuning, presets, clock dimmer, and even at max volume, not a hint of distortion, among other nice features.
I gave one to my neighbor, and kept the other one, now keeping me company for years on my basement service workbench.

If you happen to spot one for sale, grab it, change the main capacitor, and enjoy the results.

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