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September 25, 2008


Mike W

Jesus, it sounds like your time at work is about evenly split between teaching and babysitting.

Three observations :

(1) The "CHOCOLATE IS MY BEST FRIEND" slogan on that woman's sweatshirt translates literally into English as "Warning - idiot approaching."

(2) Nice montage of Gladys Kravitz up top there. Didn't realize the character was played by Don Knox till now, but I'm always the last to know.

(3) I'll chalk it up as a sly and deliberate irony that you've made the "gasbag" posts the longest on your entire blog.

Jeffrey McMahon

Wow. I never knew Don Knox made that character. Another irony: I am a gasbag.

Mike W

Just kidding on number three, Jeff. Very funny essay. You should crack down on those in-class eaters, though. When they trot out the phony medical justifications (which sound very L.A. to my northeastern ears), just demand to see the burrito prescription.

Jeffrey McMahon

As a man who eats every two or three hours, munching on fruit, nuts, granola like the insatiable grazer that I am, I find it shocking that many of my students go for six or more hours without food and may sadly nibble on some non-nutritive chips in class at 6 PM, this being their first food product since eating a slice of toast at 7 AM.

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