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October 27, 2008



Why your clock radio is all abuzz about your iPhone (or other cell phone)



Why are you perpetuating the Woody Allen-style therapy stereotype? You clainm to "know many people...who have been in therapy over 3 decades"....really? Many? How many? Continuously? I doubt that, just based on the cost alone.

How would anyone know the world is no better or even worse after 100 years of therapy? You would have to have a parallel world where there was no therapy as a "control group" (an absurd test design of course) to reach that conclusion. I can just as easily state that the world would have been A LOT worse had there been NO therapy.

And please, make a distinction between psycotherapy and psychoanalysis---they're not the same thing, man!

jeffrey McMahon

There are good therapists out there doing good things when they have honest patients. But the business-minded frauds often hook up with people who want to be flattered. There is a lot of money to be made enabling a patient. But good work is being done.

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