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April 29, 2009



good lord! and you're rating radios with a "manliness" score? get an R-388 or R-390 and be done wih it. Until you've owned one you don't know what a manly radio is !

Jesse Menn

I own a pair of shrink-to-fit Levi's, meaning I've done the bath thing. I also work at an organization that promotes energy efficiency, sustainable, and the such.

Jeffrey McMahon

Jesse, you should review jeans with a sustainable angle.

KR, please send me a review of the R-388 and/or R-390. Are those Tecsun models?

Jesse Menn

Uhh... I can recommend energy efficient power supply units for your computer, but beyond that, I'm pretty dimwitted when it comes to sustainability.

Jeffrey McMahon

I have no right to talk about sustainability. I eat enough food every day for 4 people.


jeff, i think he is talking collins radios maybe. old tube ones.


Jeffrey McMahon

What an austere looking beast of a radio. Even too austere for me.


If I want something that looks like that, I'll buy an old Diathermy machine.


This is actually very easy to reconcile. Hollywood celebrities talk about the need for all of us to conserve and sacrafice---but they spend in five or six figures to outfit themselves for an awards show for one night. A certain failed politician who acts as a spokesman for the fight against global warming flies back and forth between continents in a gulfstream jet, spewing more carbon than my family will be responsible for in a decade---and he lives in a compound with one other person---digs that could house six families. Apparently, you can do a lot of things and still have a social or environmental conscience as long as you talk a lot and convince people that you're a lot smarter than you actually are.

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