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May 26, 2009



Jeff... The numbers make sense to me. Slowly but surely, you will burn off the extra fat. I am putting into effect the same plan in my life. I have 10-15 pounds I want/need to lose over the next couple months. I will make this a lifetime thing, not just a summer time shape up plan!

Like you, I'm over the gym thing, and do my workouts at home. It's so much more convenient, less expensive, etc.
My workout consists of power walking/light running on the treadmill (less impact than the street), bike riding, or some shadow boxing with gloves (for added weight on my hands). Add in some lifting with Spry power bands on some days, push ups/pull ups with my "Iron Gym" (a great device), and stretching.

I also have a NordicTrack Pro ski machine which I need to dust off. I honestly believe that the NordicTrack gives one of the best workouts that you can get in the comfort of your home. You can find refurbished ones on eBay, just make sure the one you buy is an original, American-made one. The more recent skiers are made overseas, and from what I hear, are not of the same level of quality.

Jeffrey McMahon

It's all about consistency. Whatever it takes. Luckily, I'm addicted to breaking a sweat for an hour. Even on non-workout days, I walk my neighbors' dogs, do housework, wash car, etc. The real struggle: Keeping calories down.

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