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November 20, 2009



Right. Just pick the highest priced model of any brand and proclaim it's "The best." This is nonsense. It depends on how and what you watch. I'll put my 3-year-old $1300 Samsung LCD up against any of these. With an OTA or Blu-ray feed, they wouldn't see a difference.


Jeff - Just go over to Best Buy and pick up a quality 42" Panasonic plasma. Great picture, wide viewing angle, and high Hz rate.


Then again, you do have a nice CRT with some good years left in it!

Jeffrey McMahon

Adding health insurance for two baby daughters in February compels me to keep my CRT for another 2 years or so. I'm entering the New Austerity.


Wise choice... I have a five year old boy and can only imagine having to double the cost! One thing my wife and I have found to be a great savings, is to do most of our son's clothing shopping at thrift stores. We have found him practically new jeans, shirts, and jackets at a fraction of the cost of new ones! Plus, we're helping the Salvation Army, or a local charity with our purchase.... I wish you guys the best!


CONGRATULATIONS Jeff ! It was about time... No more radios..he he he

Jeffrey McMahon

Maybe just 2 more radios. Or 3. Or 4.


The Pioneer Kuro is a champ. Pioneer is getting out of the plasma TV business however. If you buy an LCD, make sure that it has a wide viewing angle. Many LCD TV' s do not. So folks sittting at certain angles will get washed out pictures. Consumer Reports does a good job of judging the viewing angle on LCD sets, which is not a problem with plasma. But LCD's are much better if there is a lot of light in the room where the set is being watched, something plasma sets have a problem with. Or you could keep the CRT.

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