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November 30, 2009


Mike W

Thanks for tracking that down, Jeff. I am a little disappointed but not all that surprised.

The possibility that the PR-D9 would be a MW DXer like the PR-D5 or the CCR-2 was perhaps more wishful thinking than reasonable prediction.

I am in the market for a new radio - how would you rate the GS750's MW against the PR-D5 and the CCR-2. I know it's a little weaker, but would you say it's 70, 80, 90 percent as strong?

jeffrey McMahon

Mike, I'd say about 85% as strong, maybe a little more. If you're going to listen to SW, the GS750 should meet your purposes. A reader posted a positive review of the GS750 recently. He has 30 years of radio and ham experience, far more than I do. Especially if you can get a GS750 on sale in the $180 ballpark, it seems like a compelling buy. For me, I don't need SW so the CCR-2 is a better radio for my purposes. I prefer its superior AM, which seems a bit better than the PR-D5's.

Mike W

Well, it occurred to me after that last post that the RS sale is ending, so a GS750 is again moot for the time being.

I do so little SW listening now that a CCR-2 would be the sensible purchase, but I have enough of the kid left in me to want a GS750. It's got that rotating MW antenna and a BNC hook-up for a real FM antenna, so the set itself can just stay fixed in one position - a useful quality in a headboard radio, which is where I'd put it.


It almost sounds as if the PR-D9 could be that forgotten mini CCRadio that C. Crane abandoned.

By the way, Jeff, I've never seen comments on your blog about the Sangean PR-D7. Perhaps you're not interested in small portable radios, but this model really is a winner for its size.

Tom Welch

To follow on to Tim's comments, the Sangean PR-D7 gets very positive reviews on Amazon. On an international basis, the PR-D7 is a hot selling radio probably b/c batteries are expensive in overseas markets, therefore, the recharge battery feature is a turn on to potential buyers.

I own both the PR-D5 and PR-D7 radios, but find myself listening to the PR-D5 more b/c the PR-D5 has better sound for my loft apartment here in Mesa, AZ.

The PR-D5 uses 6 C size at a cost of $10.00 USD, so using this radio as a pure portable can be expensive. I use my new PR-D5 as a tabletop only and loaded it with the usual C batteries as a backup. This PR-D5 could be a killer radio if it had a rechargeable battery feature like its smaller sister radio the PR-D7.

While the PR-D5 sound is not at the level of say a BAHS or Henry Kloss Model One radio, for my money is the best all around AM/FM performing (and flexible) radio with features that I use very day. Assuming of course, that radio portability is not your 1st priority.

With respect to the new Sangean PR-D9, I believe this radio will take sales away from the very similar PR-D7 I own.

Here's my next radio purchase: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Tunable-Loop-Antenna-magically-fixes-AM-Radio-reception_W0QQitemZ170409349209QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Electronics_Radio_Equipment?hash=item27ad305059

Tom Welch

I found this radio site today that offers a different perspective on radio listening:


Checkout their loop antennas, I want one. About $80.00 USD!

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