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November 07, 2009



I am frequent visitor to Moldova and love the country and its people, who are hospitable and friendly.

Are you sure you didn't go to the Maldives?

Jeffrey McMahon

Zimbru, thanks for showing me a different side. Eric Weiner had a consistently bad experience, contrary to yours, and chronicled it in his book.

I had a student from Moldova, a very fine person. I appreciate diverse opinion about a country I've never been to.

I think we can take lessons from Weiner about the anatomy of happiness and unhappiness, but as your experience shows, we should be loath to make generalizations about entire countries.


Happiness... hmm... do you mean to say that people are much happier in Europe or in the States, profaning everything peoples believed for centuries? I have meet people from the purest countries in Africa - very happy and very stable and equilibrate individuals. I wonder if this Weiner guy, who ever he is, wasn't more like Freazer an anthropologist who wrote about indigenous tribes in Australia without ever leaving his office in Europe.
Yes, I believe people there are not of the highest self-estime in did. What can we do to help that? Do you think your article will boost up their opinion of themselves? I know it is not meant to... but it is not enlightening anyone ether.
It is the ignorance and the superficiality that is very irritating...
Don't take it as a rude comment but more as a call to what could we do (or wright) in order to make things better?


approximately 70% of what Weiner claims about Moldova is simply untrue. While I recognise that this is a generalisation, however, most of it are pure lies. The rest can be applied to any country really.

The country has economical problems, it is landlocked with no resources other than people, brought to knees but high gas prices imposed by Russia. There is a massive foreign Russian army dislocated in Transnistria, which is a separatist region controlled by Moscow where most of the industry is located. The country has been on it's own for only 25 years or so and it is still trying to build working institutions. The politics are complicated and aggressive, the country is in permanent political crisis.

Happiness is a relative, it is really much easier to be happy and analyse happiness when basic processes are implemented and working in a society and economy, and where there is some kind of revenue streams available. Moldova is poor and miserable, it would really be difficult to build happiness on top of nothing.


This is such a superficial description of Moldova. I think Mister Eric Weiner is an unhappy person. I really wonder about his experience in Moldova, how long has he been there and what places did he visit

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