To obfuscate is to be evasive, unclear or confusing with the intent to mislead. Obfuscations are sometimes evident on eBay when sellers feature their vintage radios, which they describe as “untested,” code for “non-working piece of crap.” Or they will say the vintage radio is in cosmetically good condition and “should work but I can’t be sure because I didn’t have any batteries” or “I didn’t have time to power it up.”
Sellers who are serious and credible find thirty seconds out of their day to make sure their radios work and need not rely on obfuscations to mislead the prospective eBay buyer. These sellers who rely on obfuscations tend to rely on the meretricious and should be avoided.
Radio Lexicon Word #1: Persnickety
Radio Lexicon Word #2: Meretricious
Radio Lexicon Word #4: Birdy
Radio Lexicon Word #5: Radio Uber Alles
Radio Lexicon Word #6: Surreptitious
Radio Lexicon Word #7: Vaporware