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December 24, 2009


David Brown

You could experiment with coconut oil and butter and not worry about the protein content of your diet. Both sources of fat contain medium chain triglycerides which tend to NOT get stored in fat cells.

You might also read up on the Kitava Study. Kitavans consume a high carbohydrate diet yet have no weight problem. http://www.paleodiet.com/lindeberg/

One thing you don't want to lose any sleep over is your saturated fat intake. http://www.sciscoop.com/controversial-saturated-fat.html

You do need to be concerned about you intake of omega-6 fats. http://omega-6-omega-3-balance.omegaoptimize.com/2009/11/10/why-omega6-fats-matter-to-your-health.aspx

Jeffrey McMahon

Omega 6 is good. Flax seed is good.

Regarding diet, I've learned that everyone is different. One person metabolizes carbs efficiently but for many the carbs cause an insulin hike, which works like a drug.


jeff, i am over half way through this book and it is a tough read/believe... now i'm in the full on atkins diet chapter where he's saying to cut pretty much all carbs to lose weight. i'll cut carbs when they pry my frosted blueberry poptart out of my cold, obese hands...

seriously though, this book is a tough read, what's the net on it?

Jeffrey McMahon

KR, once I sifted through all the scientific studies, I realized he, like Michael Pollan, was showing that the nutrition we've been taught since WWII is bogus. I still eat 200 carbs a day after reading that book and not surprisingly I am not losing weight. If I kept my carbs under 100, I assume the weight would come off. I don't understand your question: What's the net on it.


Jeff after re-reading your post, you did net it out for me fairly well, thanks.

I need to get on the same 100 grams of carbs per day boat that you are in, on August 7th, I have to face this:


Jeffrey McMahon

My kilo chart might soar as well. Last night I had buttermilk blueberry pancakes for dinner.

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