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February 28, 2010



Actually, I rather like the Pepsi "Throwback" soda, made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup. If you haven't had it, try it. If you can find soda still made with real sugar (like in the 1960's), try some. Beginning in the mid-70's, they went with cheaper/easier corn syrup and the taste was never the same. Corn syrup destroyed the non-cola sodas such as Squirt---real sugar is real good.


Costco sells coke made with sugar (produced in Mexico).


Paul: It's funny you mention that. My company had a conference in Cancun, Mexico a couple years ago. It was a Club-Med resort where we stayed---with a big food buffet and fountain sodas. The sodas were delicious and reminded me of when I was eight years old, back in the early '70s. One of the people there told me it was because the Mexican mix uses cane sugar. I usually drink diet soda, but was trying every last one of those pops---Coke, 7-Up, Fanta Orange, Ginger Ale----all of them were excellent.


AWESOME, watched the whole thing with the old lady. Turning over a new leaf tomorrow, March 1st. Hopefully will eat a lot less fructose, thanks Jeff!

Jeffrey McMahon

Me too, KR.

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