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April 22, 2010



Chris - This is good information. I see you also posted this at the Yahoo Grundig_G3 group. I'm sure the folks there will be very interested in this fix, since quite a few G3 units seem to achieve sync lock only at 1 kHz low or 1 kHz high.

Eton should give the G3 more "sync width" -- in other words, allow it to lock over a range from 1-2 kHz below to 1-2 kHz above the carrier frequency. This is the way most other radios with sync behave.


Incidentally, how easy is it to replace a speaker on a portable radio?

I have a radioshack analog tabletop whose FM reception is just as good as my S-350-DL (32.99 at the Shack). Nice durable casing too. But the speaker sound is just horrible. To those who know - is this an easy upgrade?


Gary- I get the feeling that Eton was trying something new and different with the G3 sync, but fell short. It would have been easy to emulate the sync circuit on the 2010 or 7600gr, unless there is a limitation on the chip that the radio uses.

Carlos- Provided you can find one the same size, it should be a very easy fix. Should be easy to find speakers that can handle more power, and maybe test some with different ohm ratings, it can only help battery life presenting a smaller load.

Dave, K9DV

Thanks for posting this Gary and Chris! I just purchased a G3 at a local RadioShack and discovered this problem on a 8xxx series serial number. In about ten minutes I was dead on frequency again with sync working as it should again.


Thanks for the info!
I screwed up mine somehow while fixing it, but the pictures helped me fix it.

Martin Payne

Thanks a lot for this. I have a recent one in the 10xxx region, and it suffered from this problem. Now it syncs to even the weakest stations on the MW band.

The variable capacitor was incredibly small, to the point where I didn’t have anything I could use to tune it. I got a cocktail stick and used a knife to get a straight flat end on it. Using that it was fairly easy to tune it. All it needed was a slight turn anti-clockwise.

Edgar Allan Valencia

Hi.My Grundig G3 is suffering this weird symptom: When I get the AC jack connecte it does not show the AC icon. At first I was able to get it connected by moving the jack around or pressing it hard, but after a while it just does not show the AC any more. Therefore I just have to run it on batteries. Does any one know what the cause may be? or how to fix this problem. I just love my litlle radio and don't know what to do about this.

David Stewart

I have a problem with my G3 not running on batteries. It works fine on the adapter, but when I try to turn it on with the adapter disconnected the radio appears to reset. I've tried this with new batteries and the same problem occurs. Any ideas? Thanks!

Ralph Henman

I have the exact same problem. It defeats the purpose
of purchasing a mobile radio.


Con el tiempo necesitaréis cambiar varios condensadores electrolítico trabajando por encima de su valor. Tenedlo en cuenta.

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