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April 29, 2011



I haven't heard much lately about the 450. Have they fixed the problems with that radio? Does anyone know?


$49? When was this?


The tuning knob on my 350 failed after a month or so. Got a replacement and it's still going after 6-8 months, but still acts wonky at times---for example, extending the whip causes the frequency to change.

There's still plenty of good things about the radio, the audio being chief among them.

It's too bad, though. Imagine if you had a radio of this design and audio quality, but with grown-up quality parts and reliable, consistent performance. I'd probably pay hundreds of dollars for such a radio. But I'm dreaming now I guess!

vimal oberoi

I don't know why i feel i have read this story some time back,is it reposted?

vimal oberoi

yes it was there in february


Although indicated as 'Out of Stock', Radio Shack now lists the S350SL as a web only item at $150! Very good buy at $49.


Keith Rennie

You can sometimes find a 350DL at the Source Clearance stores like the one in Dixie Mall in Mississauga/Toronto for $49.


Treasure hunting at Goodwill store this morning and I pulled a Grundig S350DL out of the bin.It looked mint except for a couple batteries leaked some acid.I bought it for $3.99.Took it home and cleaned the acid out and luckily the acid was only on the plastic and not on any of the contacts or springs inside.Just wiped it out and now looks perfect.It has the loose tuner like others have mentioned but seems to work perfect.Every once in a while the ship comes in.

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