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February 25, 2012



On the cheap side, free ship to store:



I have a December 2011 new pair of AV30s and yes, the amplifier in the left channel speaker runs hot, and the stereo balance is way off. When the weather warms up, I intend to open the left channel speaker to look at the amp and to drill vent holes in the speaker case to hopefully avoid the pitfalls of a hot amp breaking down over time. The AV 40s? I don't have them but would worry about the same issues. M-Audio clearly does not do any temperature related reliability design based on my AV30 experience. I'd suggest looking for a pair if AR Powered Partners which are in metal cases. You might have to replace the speaker surrounds, but I have had a pair of these since 1987, purchased new, and they sound and work great---I've never over driven them. Check ebay. I don't trust M-Audio. If they would make lousy AV30's (see the reviews on Amazon) I would not think their AV40's would be any better in terms of reliability and attention to overheating of the amplifier. Some on Amazon have said they just cut out the amplifier and used an external amp to drive the AV30s---I will probably do the same.

Jeffrey McMahon

John, maybe I'm lucky but my M-Audio 40s, which I use at home, have kept up for over 3 years. But like you I don't trust the product. I think I'll go with Audioengine for my next speaker pair.


Considering most laptops are stuck with mediocre integrated audio chipsets in the first place, I wouldn't spend a ton of money on speakers. I've really liked the Genius SP-HF500A that I purchased for use with an iMac, and a MacBook Pro, at my desk:


Probably one of the best sets of computer speakers $40 can buy.

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