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June 30, 2012


Jack Marshall

Dude, that's sad!

While I applaud your dedication to your health and fitness (I'm... well, a couch potato), you'd think about forgoing a trip abroad to spend time inside a gym?!

Trade the Great Wall for another half-hour on the elliptical? Toss Versailles for the weight bench? Blow off Brasilia to work on your delts?

Sounds like a 12-step program might be in order.

I'm just sayin'. :)

Jerry B

Like most things in life; you need to maintain a balance. Just as sitting on a couch for 12 hours a day is detrimental to ones physical health; not experiencing other cultures because they don't have a nearby gym is detrimental to ones cultural health.

As long as you can get back into your routine once the trip is complete, you should take any opportunity to travel. I am a firm believer that as part of anyone's education, travel should be required.

Also consider the fact that you will most likely be doing a lot of walking on your trips. You can get some exercise that way.

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