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November 15, 2012


sara and bob matulich

great pics, sweet girls, you made the right choice.


Funny. I hear you, my friend. Those are some cute girls - as you know, I've got two of them myself and they're constantly doing things that are both ridiculously adorable and infuriating at the same time (how is that possible?).

Michael Brent

The man cave has been breached!
Life will never be the same. Cute kids.


Beautiful family Jeff. You are blessed.

Ken K. in NJ

Interesting (and the girls are adorable!).

Ironically, I owe the genesis of my first man-cave to my daughter. This was the mid/late 80's when my daughter was about the age of your daughters. My wife's one request for time-out each week was on Friday nights when she wanted to watch Dallas and another show after that.

In our old house we had a finished attic, and I got in the habit of taking my daughter up there for those two hours to play games. I eventually moved an old stereo and a bunch of records and an old dorm refrigerator up there to keep myself amused. Of course I also added a couple of beers each week to the equation. Voila! A Man cave!

We moved to a new, bigger, house about 14 years ago. There's two large finished rooms in the basement. So now I have a man cave and my wife has a woman cave.


I feel for those who don't have a cave. Where does their sanity go?

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