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November 17, 2012



How about some comparative lume shots?

By the way, I'm starting to get the feeling that Seiko has at least two levels of lume, although I can't tell if it has more to do with the size of the lume markers. But as far as I can tell my SKA425's lume isn't as bright or receptive of light as my SNAD05.


The lume on the Monster certainly looks more thickly applied.

Jeffrey McMahon

Getting lume shots is tough with the girls. By the time I get them to bed at night, I'm shot, but who knows I may find some time for some lume shots though I don't know if I have the expertise to pull it off so that it's worthwhile to others.


I hope my SUN007 which arrives next week is on the top level of lume. We'll see.


The SUN007 is really nice - should be on my December wishlist. I look forward to seeing your pictures - maybe a comparison with the SKZ267 is in order?

By the way, could you tell me again which Ebay seller you got the Black Monster from? There are a few on Ebay for around $200 but I want to make sure I get a legit one.


The seller doesn't have any monsters right now: http://myworld.ebay.com/watchus2?_trksid=p2047675.l2559


you might just buy one from a top rated seller for 200.


I made a mistake. The eBay seller does have one available. He's increased his price to 210: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SEIKO-SKX779K-MONSTER-AUTOMATIC-DIVER-SKX779-ss-band-/130802507582?pt=Wristwatches&hash=item1e746fdf3e


OK, thanks. I'll probably give it a few weeks - I need to sell a few watches first and then plan on getting the Monster before the end of the year.

I'd also like to get one of the SUN007 or SKZ267 but probably not both - if you could post a picture of them together I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm also looking at the SKZ225 and SKZ231 in that same general family.

I figure three kinetics - my SKA425, the Monster, and one of the above, is probably enough to keep me busy.

By the way, I'm guessing the lume on the SUN007 is excellent - the markers are very big, which I think is the key factor.


I hope the lume is great on the 007. I need great lume. It's a priority for me.

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