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December 02, 2012



Great looking watch - I live the SAS, but they're just too big for me. The only one I've worn in the last couple months and know is a keeper is my mid size (44mm) 0524, which has a lovely mother of pearl dial and elegant silver chrono dials (but is a tad feminine). I'd have bought the 6182 if it was mid size, but it isn't.

I have three SASs which I'm not sure what to do with. They're just too big for me (they fit you, but you have slightly thicker wrists and forearms). I'm probably going to keep the 0507 because the day of the week dial is broken and I won't be able to get enough for it to warrant not having it, plus I love the all-black look. But I'm probably going to sell the 6903 and 0519 - both of which I love the look of, but just can't bring myself to wear anymore. Maybe special occasions, but I don't know. There's a mid size version of the 0519 that I might buy if I sell the 0519.


If the watch doesn't feel or look right so that you avoid wearing it, then sell it. I wonder if you should wait to buy after New Year's. Do prices go up around this time of year? I notice my SKZ267 is up 50 dollars on Amazon.


I don't know. Amazon fluctuates a lot. I was looking at a Panasonic electric shaver and it went from $60 to $90 overnight. It also depends upon the vendor through Amazon - not all of them are actually Amazon but some other store that sells on Amazon, although it looks like your SKZ267 is through Amazon.

I'm not planning on buying anything soon - I'm loving my Black Monster and other Seikos. I'll think about a SUN005 or maybe a Frankenmonster after Christmas (I'll be posting my December wishlist tomorrow).


I'm glad the Black Monster has sated your need for new watches, at least for the time being. It's that good.


Key words "for the time being." I'm sure the urge will arise again relatively soon, I just don't have that hungry feeling. But yeah, great watch. Definitely top three along with my SSC015 and SKA425.


My eight year old wants Santa to bring him a Playstation 3 for Christmas. Santa has that handled----but it occurred to me that since every TV in my house was made around or before Y2K, I needed something newer for my son's PS3----1080 res, new style plug-ins, etc. I found an off-brand set (by Sceptre) for around $200.00 and hope that works well. But it got me interested in a new TV for my family room too (and moving that one to the new sunroom). I'm wondering: Are the best TV prices now, after Christmas-----or, after the Super Bowl? Or, is it the opposite: The manufacturers, resellers are more competitive now and before the Super Bowl, knowing there is a demand----so they lower their prices to compete?


I honestly don't know, Angelo, but I'm reminded of something someone once said to me when I asked a similar question about laptops - his answer was "the best time to buy a laptop is when you need a laptop."

Check Best Buy, though, as they often have sales. On Black Friday they usually have a ridiculous sale - I think they were selling a 42-inch 1080 res Toshiba for $180 (!) - but those are "doorbusters" and you really have to be there early in the AM.


I refuse to get up at 4:00 in the morning to go stand in line for a "doorbuster" and risk getting stabbed or stampeded, in an effort to save a hundred bucks or even more. I love a great deal---but on reasonable terms, not craziness. In my case, I don't have a need for a new TV----but if the deal is right, I'm willing to pull the trigger. The TV I'm currently using in my family room, I got for free from a girl who put it on Craigs List. My old TV fried----and I was just looking for a stop-gap set I could get right away while looking for a new one. I figured I'd find something for under a hundred bucks----old technology, but something I could get quick and not make a panic purchase of a "new" tv. Well, she told me come and get it----as long as you can move it down three flights of steps, it's yours. My friend helped me----and that girl also gave me ANOTHER TV for free----a combo TV/VCR that is about 13 inches----now being used in my son's room. The big set? Works so well, it's been in my entertainment center for a couple years now, and I never did buy the new TV. Now, the Playstation purchase got me to buy a new set for his room, to optimize the PS3 graphics----and since I'm having a sunroom built, I figured I could move the free TV down to that room and treat myself to a new one for the family room. But only if the price is right. Otherwise----I'll just go back to Craigs List. People are still giving older sets away----or charging fifty bucks for huge older sets that still work well. I can get one of those for the sunroom!

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