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Doug S writes:
I am a bit out of shape and 49. I have the frame that could make me ripped. Tall and husky. Is it too late?
Herculodge answers:
I'm 51 and though not ripped I currently weigh 215, far less than my lardish 255, from 9 years ago.
The answer is go off processed foods. Go on a flexible Paleo diet. Get your carbs from sweet potatoes, fruits,plain yogurt. Don't get them from grains.
Don't eat the evil white foods: sugar, flour, potatoes, rice, pasta.
Don't drink juice, soda, sugary drinks, including "energy" drinks.
For good reading material, check out the works of Gary Taubes, Michael Pollan, and Culinary Intelligence by Peter Kaminsky.
If you learn to enjoy these dietary changes and implement them consistently, your body will transform for the better.