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December 24, 2012



I've owned a WR-2 for 5-1/2 years, and it works the same today as it did when it was new, getting daily use in the kitchen.

Where I live, I'd say the AM reception is good and the FM reception is very good. The sound quality is very good, with decent bass, clear midrange and crisp treble. The sound on AM doesn't sound muffled at all, as it does on many radios, including quite a few Sangeans. The full-range bass and treble controls allow quite a bit of customization to the sound.

I agree with Jeff that, for the money, it's a good, solidly-built radio.


I also agree with Jeff. My white WR-2 in my kitchen still looks and sounds great going on 5 years or so. Has outlasted many others.


Jeff and Ed,

Thanks for the post, and the comment. I was unfamiliar with this radio but like really like its overall aesthetic and, based on your appraisals here along with the comments on Amazon, will feel likewise about performance. I have been looking for a new kitchen radio (to replace an older wood case Sony tabletop I have had there for years) and so just ordered one of these from Amazon.

I was thinking about moving my Proton 300 into the kitchen but can't give up having it in my den because of its exquisite audio. I think Ed also has this radio.

Eager to set up the Sangean in the kitchen! I really like the look of this baby.



Doug, we are eager to hear your impressions of the WR-2.


I received my WR-2 early this week. It was smaller than I was expecting (even though the dimensions were right there on the Amazon description). I wasn't disappointed, merely surprised, by its compactness. That said, the audio is excellent, all the more exceptional because it comes out of such a small speaker. But a full range from treble down to bass, a very pleasing and almost room-filling sound on both our local classical and jazz stations to PBS and sports talk shows; plus, you get separate controls for treble and bass, so a more than decent ability to customize the sound. Nice to have the presets, and the little single strand FM antenna that comes with the radio produces solid reception. So far, an outstanding little kitchen radio. And I really, really like the look of it.

Good recommendation.



Doug, Glad to hear you like it... Would a guy who also likes the Proton 300 steer you wrong?

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