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January 23, 2013



If only it were so easy--not to mention satisfying--that we could delete buyers, but alas, we can only delete bids.

On a different note, I feel bad for the honest Brazilians - the crooks have made it difficult for them to buy on Ebay.


I notice a lot of ebay sellers say they won't ship to Brazil. I had enough hassle filling out extra paper work for a shipment to Canada. Never again.


The problem with shipping to Brazil is that there is absolutely no protection - so anyone can buy from Brazil and say they never got their item and Ebay/PayPal will support them...this happened to me, if you remember, with an Invicta I sold. It ended up being a $130 loss.


That is really scary. No Brazil sales, for sure.


Is this the reason people and companies in the US will not send items to the UK and Europe?

Its a business opening that fortunately a few people have seen, though prices now are not so disparate as they were.


You can register (and thus insure) mail to many countries, but it is expensive (like $25 extra for a watch) and you can't do it for every country - including, I believe, Brazil.


I've shipped to Japan and Argentina with no problems.

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