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January 10, 2013



Getting my girls (4 and 7) to eat real food is such a challenge. When my 4-year old say's "I'm hungee!" and I say "Want some soup?" She says, "No, I'm not hungee for food, I'm hungee for snacks!"

In other words, there's a clear difference in her mind between "food" (i.e. veggies and whole grains) and "snacks" (i.e. crackers, cheese, other carb stuff).


One thing parents learn----the hard way----is to not "finish" a toddler's food because they don't want to waste it. I've heard parents say they actually gained weight----5-10 pounds----because they hated to see food go to waste and would just finish anything that looked and tasted good, even if they weren't hungry. My kid blows hot and cold when it comes to eating. Sometimes, he's very hungry and will eat almost anything I prepare. Other times----very picky and will even pass up things he usually loves. I figure if he's healthy and isn't dramatically underweight----I let him eat when he wants to and how much he wants.


If I didn't finish my toddlers' leftovers, I'd be 10 pounds lighter.

Bill Bush

As long as you avoid making food a battlefield, you'll be ok. Are you falling into a game in which the girls make the parents (game pieces) move madly around the board (kitchen) searching for magic desirable snacks? Also, if you have leftovers that become soup, your daily lunch is packed. No separate meal prepared = lowered food waste!


40 per cent makes your family average in food waste .. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/08/22/40-of-u-s-food-wasted-report-says/


I refuse to have battles with my son over dinner and I've chastised relatives staying with us for trying to do that. If he's not eating----they start in with "If you finish that, you can play the video games and if you don't, you can't." and all of that nonsense (or at least I consider it nonsense). I refuse to make a punishment/rewards system out of dinners/eating. I will prepare the food and if he eats it, great. And if he doesn't----if there's something very easy to get for him, I'll do that. If not----he can have a bowl of cereal or nothing if that's what it comes down to. I won't have tension in my house over a child's eating habits----and I won't set up a system of punishments and rewards over it either.

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