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February 09, 2013



Sweet - love it, and what a great deal. And nice "stealth purchase."

But just to be clear - the one you linked to (SRP307) is not the one in the picture above (SRP313). Not only does the one you link to have a bracelet, it doesn't have the red outline on the lume markers. It looks like this:




Thanks for the heads up. I didn't notice that red. Oh well. I'm colorblind.


Well, the one that is $247 is the SRP307 - the non-red one. The SRP313, the red one, is $225 and is the one picture in your post. So if you paid $247 then I think you got the non-red with bracelet...I assume that's the one you wanted?


Yes, I got the SRP307, the one I want.


Nice. I know both of you opt for bracelets. I have quite a few watches with bracelets too----but I do note that depending on anything from the weather or if I'm up or down 5 pounds----bracelets can be too loose or tight. I like the leather or silicone bands because they can be adjusted on the fly. I remember when cheaper watches with metal bracelets could be adjusted by a slide. I wonder if a high end manufacturer has a nice version of that? If not, I wonder if they could come up with one worthy of a watch that is $250.00, not $25.00?


I hear that, Angelo. Some days my bracelets feel loose, some tight - I think it has to do with a combination of water retention and temperature.

When I first got into watches I preferred leather, then I liked rubber, and then only bracelets. Now I like them in reverse order. But you're right - leather and rubber are easier to work with because of being able to adjust them on the fly.

I feel that tastes are at least partially chosen, so I'm trying to choose to be open to non-metal straps, even leather. For instance, the Seiko SNAE97 will be on my next monthly wishlist.

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