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March 23, 2013



Just to clarify, the last part of the post above should say:

2. Better sound quality

If you don't need a direct-entry keypad or SSB capability, the CCRadio-SW (Redsun RP-2100) is a good alternative in a relatively inexpensive SW radio, and has far better sound quality than smaller radios.


I finally got it right on the edit. Thanks, Gary. Jeff


Thanks, Jeff. Without that edit, it changes the meaning quite a bit.

BTW, for those who really want to listen to SSB on the CCRadio-SW and similar radios, it can be done with the TG37 SSB BFO adapter.



I generally wear headphones and find the sound quality of the 7600GR very much to my liking, even though on external speaker----let's just say "That's not its strength." As for tuning knobs, I like them to. You know what, some cars (mostly older ones) have "real" separated switches to turn on the windshield wipers. Newer ones have windshield wiper function built into the same stalk as the headlights and turn signal. Better, newer cars might have a windshield that sense rain----and then it hardly matters where the switch is---as people I know with this system let the rain sensor do the work. I like tuning knobs too. I don't miss that feature at all on my 7600. When I first got a car without a separate switch for the wipers, I probably missed that switch---then I got used to the one on the turn signal stalk. You normally adapt.


Herc: When I'm feeling up to it---I'm going to send you a photo and a blurb about my hospital stay this past week for some surgery. Brought two radios and a watch. Will let you know the details.


My portable radio of choice was previously the 7600GR, especially following modification of the sync circuit. It is a good portable with superb build quality, but the negatives for me are the lack of selectable filter widths and the limited frequency response of the speaker. Those two aspects are largely why I now recommend the PL-660 over the 7600GR. It would not take much for Sony to address those two aspects, but I doubt we will be seeing any future shortwave recievers from Sony outside of maybe a Chinese rebrand; if that.

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