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March 08, 2013



The watch and radio worlds aren't comparable - you're lucky to get a handful of new radio offerings in a year (with a decrease in the number of programs you want to tune in to) and that's pretty much it; meanwhile there are so many watches from so many countries that you could create an entire blog just on watches you've "discovered" that most people weren't previously aware of..


As much as any other blog I frequent, this is a readers' blog. A lot of us have taken a step back from radios----and not only because the person running the blog has become more interested in watches of late. But I'm still very interested in radios----and love seeing E-Bay items posted if they are of interest----the classics. I have probably bought a couple radios that I haven't reviewed/sent photos. I'll see if any of them might be of interest or will "update" previous purchases. Ironically----I was just thinking about doing that at work today---I've been using a Panasonic at my office for almost a year now----that was a steal on E-Bay (that I reviewed here when I first got it). Flawless performance.


I appreciate fine timepieces as much as the next guy, but I'm here for radios... I've put them off due to hoarding and space issues!

Can't wear a wrist watch, gives me some kind of road rash every time.

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