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March 08, 2013



Did somebody say radios?

Beautiful watch, solar, and radio controlled:


I've got several reviews I'd like to write up sometime, including sharing my experience with my first ever purchase of a radio from Yahoo Japan (a Panasonic RF-877, still waiting to receive it), a comparison between my Grundig Satellit 700 and Satellit 2400 (as requested by a reader here), and a review of my Blaupunkt Bremen MP-76 car stereo with diversity fm reception (the same kind used on wireless microphones where you have 2 antennas and it constantly switches to whichever antenna is receiving the stronger signal while you're driving - but I can't do this review until I actually install a second antenna). If I get really motivated I may review my vintage Panasonic/Technics SA-5270 AM/FM/integrated amp.

Ken K. in NJ

I read your blog because of the radios. Yes, I've noticed that it is more and more about watches, which I have only a passing interest in. I own 42 radios and three watches (one of which I recently bought because of a recommendation on your blog).

Yet, I enjoy reading about the watches, so I don't have a problem with the direction of the blog. And it's true, there is really not much happening right now in radio or radios. In fact, when I retired a couple of years ago, one thing I thought I'd be doing a lot more of is AM DXing, yet I've done very little of it.

Sad to say, radio (as we know it) seems to be dying. I myself, when I want to listen to music, either listen to one of the free music services or my own mp3s or CDs. Hardly ever the radio. My radio listening these days is mainly all-news WINS or all sports WFAN. Who need yet another new radio to listen to these powerhouses...

Keep up what you're doing Jeff, watches are fine, and if there is news on the radio front, I'm sure you'll clue us in.

Thanks for the past 5 years or so, and looking forward to many more.



Ken, thanks for that. Like you said, if radio were thriving, not dying, I'd have more posts about all the great radios coming out. Thankfully, readers can get full reviews of radios on Jay Allen's site.


Yeah, sad to say Jeff, but the focus on watches ( do they do anything but reflect the owner's status or lack thereof? They certainly aren't necessary anymore to know the time) has helped to turn me off to this blog. That, and the ridiculous injection of rightwing politics into every possible discussion, from potty training to the price of tea in China. Just my two cents.
Radios and other hi tech devices are not in short supply for discussion, just checkout AVSforum.com, my favorite place these days.


Ed, I've known you for a long time, so I should respond.

I don't have the manpower or infrastructure to be like AVSforum. My posts are from personal obsessions and concerns. I don't have rightwing politics in me, but I know some readers do. I don't censor unless comments are really crazy. I look at watches as more than status symbols, but I understand your being turned off by that because a lot of people use watches as such.

Jay Allen

Hi. I think the doom and gloom talk about the death of radio is premature...I expect terrestrial broadcasting will be with us for some time into the future. Yes, I'm biased because I've been a broadcaster since 1967 and I've loved radio and radios my whole life. And I do think many of today's radios are miserable on AM which is why I keep my vintage radios and antennas for serious AM listening. But here in New England teh AM dial is still full of signals and i enjoy AM radio every day. So if you love AM radio, enjoy it...I think it will be around for a while yet.



You should add the Sangean WR-3 to the list of worthwhile radios. Excellent AM and FM reception, flexible tone controls plus CD and memory stick playback. More expensive than the other models, but a good investment in the long run (mine has been running daily for four years now).


Have you tried Blaupunkt? They have a great speaker and the tuning is one of the best:


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