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May 03, 2013



Assuming he paid via PayPal, if you have any money sitting in your PayPal account it would be a good idea to transfer it to your bank account immediately, as PayPal has a reputation of taking money in disputes like these even though you are completely in the right.

Neil Goldstein

Check out this thread. I Was VERY curious about this, since I'm always trying to protect my 100% rating.



That's scary, Neil. I want to protect my 100 percent rating, but if this guy blames me for his problem I could be in trouble. So complicated. I don't have time for this crap.


E-Bay/Pay Pal had better be careful. If people stop selling higher priced items, their profits will dry up. It's one thing to be a buyer who is ripped off----but if they start cheating sellers routinely----people will just stop dealing with them. Nothing to sell means nothing to buy.


Traditionally these shipments are made Freight On Board (FOB). That means that ownership of the object passes to the purchaser the moment that the shipper (USPS/UPS/FEDEX) accepts the object from the seller. From that point forward any loss is the purchaser's responsibility. That's why it is wise to purchase insurance.

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