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May 24, 2013



Yes, and as I expressed on the original comment/original post: Indeed, they realize that if someone spends $4000.00 on a wristwatch, they do in fact have money to burn. Same as driving a Ferrari and needing new brakes. Reach into your pocket deep.


Rather than throwing it away, how about just selling it to someone who has enough money to maintain it?


Maybe it's just me, but masculinity and simplicity are inextricably tied - and that's why high-dollar mechanical watches like these are the polar opposite of masculine. Can you imagine the look on your grandfather's face when you explain, "Well I could have bought another automobile, but I bought this watch. And it's $400 a year for maintenance. And $200 to take it to the shop. It's not as accurate as most watches out there, but just look at the quality..."

If it costs as much to maintain as a woman, it's not masculine...

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