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May 24, 2013


Michael Brent

Ya know I've thought that for a while now.
The obsession with flashy jewelry ( and yes, watches are jewelry, a cell phone has a clock in it) seems some how rather feminine doesn't it?
I think some men get around that fact by buying watches with these over the top names like "Golden Wing Aviator Combat MK2" but bling is bling.
I mean when you start fussing over bezel dimensions and whether or not its waterproof down to 100 ft when your only going to wear out to dinner or to the local Walmart it gets kind of silly don't you think?
The shaving razor companies have been doing the same thing for years. As if spending $35.00 for a disposable razor with a cool name instead of a $6.00 bag disposable Gillette's will somehow raise your testosterone level.
But somebodies buying those razors, and the $400.00 watches.
Advertising is everything.

Peter Henderson

While I largely agree with the sentiment here, not sure how this argument is any different than diminishing returns. Certain "tool watches" do cost more than free-in-a-box-of-cereal watches. I would argue that a well-made watch is still "manly" - whatever than means. You'd also have a difficult time explaining the devalued Yuan to your Grandfather, or inflation, or credit default swaps, or executive compensation, or Nicki Minaj, or pretty much anything in today's world.


Here's a tough one: With my recent surgery and complications, I need to wear loose fitting clothing when I could, like on weekends, running errands. I've gone out of my way to try to find sweatpants with pockets----but the pockets are front only and not too roomy---not enough secure room to carry keys, wallet, cellphone, change. What's a guy to do? If it's too cool for shorts (with pockets) and too warm for a jacket (with pockets) and I'm wearing sweats, how do I carry everything? Fanny pack? Oh please----please guys, come up with a suggestion other than a fanny pack. I guess I could get a fanny pack and carry it instead of wear it?


I couldn't agree more with the original post. The obsession with watches, with trying to decide which one to buy for whatever outfit and which one to wear tonight, is effeminate. It's a man's jewelry. I shouldn't be surprised, though, since men wear ear rings now too. Masculine is simple, functional, and practical. The watch infatuation is pure fickleness. It really turns me off this blog, which I read less and less often now.


Exploring the ups and downs of watch obsessions is not for everyone. That's for sure. But it's an interest of mine, so be it.

Michael Brent

Its your blog Jeff. We just live in it.


Angelo, try cargo pants; most modern cargo pants are baggy affairs that are as loose-fitting sweats, while also being more formal-looking in proper slacks colors.

Jeff, nearly all of your musing over watches stays in the realm of reasonably-priced watches that you choose for their usefulness [now that you've lost interest in giant bling models] - researching your options for the best buy seems entirely masculine to me. But GS' tale is enlightening; if someone literally just gives you a holy grail watch and the mere act of possessing it actively lowers your quality of life, that should be a warning..

Also, the watch will always be more masculine than the cell phone. I've worn the same watch for nearly 15 years, but have gone through roughly a half dozen cell phones in that time, as the technology rapidly and indecisively supersedes itself.

I'm the guy in the waiting room with the nice watch reading a paperback book, not the one with the day-glo earbuds scrolling through what appears to be an infinite list on yet another new and shiny composite slab, completely unaware of what's going on around him..

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