I decided to buy a Casio AE1200WH-1A, which is the model pictured above. It arrived today, and I like it. The display is easier to read than many Casio digital watches, with higher contrast and less shadowing, and the flat resin crystal seems to reduce the odd reflections seen on some of my other Casio digitals. The analog time and map displays look cool, but are too small to be easily readable at a glance. The digital time display is large and very readable. The buttons are easy to press. The four timezone feature is nice. The light is brighter at the bottom of the display than at the top, but it's fine for reading the digital time in the dark. I'd say it's a winner for $19.
The Casio picture above is Photoshopped, and doesn't show what the display looks like in real life. This picture is much closer to reality.
It has been a week since I set my Casio AE1200WH-1A, and it has lost less than a second in that time. It's the most accurate quartz watch that I have, other than the one that is atomic and "cheats" by setting itself nightly. I realize that there is probably quite a bit of sample to sample variation on the accuracy with any Casio watch model, but I'm happy with the sample that I got, especially for only $19.
Posted by: Gary | July 02, 2013 at 03:51 PM
Amazon has the Casio AE1200WH-1A "James Bond" watch for only $10 today.
Posted by: Gary | November 28, 2013 at 05:24 PM