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June 03, 2013



Thanks for the reviews, Nathan. For a larger radio that Panasonic really has a tinny sound. From the videos it sounds like the little Sangean has better audio.


I've owned the DT-210V for several years now; agree completely about the speaker, this is a particularly good outdoor use radio, when you want something that can be heard across the yard. Unfortunately the interface is always awkward and stilted regardless of how long you try to get used to it, it's a shame Sangean can't make the quality more accessible.

This model was superseded in my lineup by the legendary Sony SRF-T615, a much smaller, much better, but much more expensive radio.


This info suggests the Sony SRF is good on AM but mediocre on FM. http://herculodge.typepad.com/herculodge/2012/03/is-the-sony-srf-t615-the-best-pocket-radio-you-can-buy.html


Jeff, yes, but the catch there is that the Sangean is also just-okay on FM; the Sangean sounds better through the speaker, but otherwise both are set up to dazzle on the AM band, which the Sony certainly does - almost exactly matching my 7600GR move for move across the dial, it's like some sort of alien technology..


The Panasonic comes across more tinny in the video than it is in real life, but I was pretty let down that the "Big Speaker" didn't provide a fuller sound.


StarHalo, you must really dislike the Sangean's interface to replace it with the pricey Sony. I have neither radio but would probably be satisfied with the Sangean. I currently own the 400 and the 180, which are fine but only okay on FM.


Jeff, the Sangean's interface isn't a dealbreaker for me personally, but don't expect anyone who hasn't read the manual to figure it out; most people will hit the power button, the radio won't come on, and they'll assume it's broken or the batteries are dead (you have to hold down the button to turn the radio on, and then it comes on with the 90 minute timer; you must hold down the button for more than two seconds to just turn the radio on normally.)

I got the Sony mostly out of curiosity, but its interface is the polar opposite of the Sangean's - it's the exact same interface you have on your car radio, with memory buttons and even a tune knob/jog; no instructions required.


Car controls sound very nice, but it would be quite a splurge at 130 on eBay.


I just really dig tiny portables and AM DXing, the idea of a single radio that does both is ideal for me. It's priced to be your last pocket radio for a long time, and for me it has been; the DT-400 and CCPocket both seem nice, but have roughly twice the mass and are comparatively interface-impaired. And people notice the nearly vending-machine-tiny chrome-and-silver Sony in its handsome pleather pocket, it's dressy in an old-school radio way.


It's too bad the demand from the ultralight DXers bid the price up on the SRF-T615 a few years ago. It never seemed to come back down.



Here we have a great deal on the 562...a great deal for the seller!

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