Drive-In-Freak writes:
I don't think that audio is as important to people as it used to be, and it shows. Run of the mill stuff from thirty years ago blows most of what's available today into the weeds. Why?
We didn't have so many choices for entertainment back then. Indoors it was either watch one of a handful of channels on TV (if you were lucky), read something, or put something on the stereo. That's it.
In this day age we have so many choices for entertainment that music has taken a back seat, and convenience has become more important to most people than sound quality.
Also just about everyone has gotten used to less than great sounding material. We are reaching a point in time when a lot of (especially younger) people have never heard anything that sounds good. All of their lives they've heard nothing but compressed digital audio thought lackluster sounding gadgets such as iPods, and junk shelf systems.
To answer your question; It's not going anywhere at all. It's almost gone.
Above 4nradio wrote:
"I think part of the future of audiophilia will be in the area three dimensional, life-like sound reproduction (aka that "live concert" or "you are there" feeling). Current products like the SPL Phonitor are getting closer, but the price of this technology needs to drop dramatically before there can be widespread acceptance"
That's been done, and people were not interested. It was called "quad".