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August 25, 2013



Our girls shared a bunk bed until a couple years ago. Now they both sleep in their own beds in adjoining rooms with an open doorway between the two. The beds are the two halves of the prior bunk bed.

Every once in awhile Margot, the four year old, falls out and screams bloody murder. Its quite tragic. They do like to sleep in odd positions, whether intentionally or not, but never seem to venture onto the floor.


Julia may be afraid that she will fall off while asleep but won't say so. So she sleeps on the floor not wanting to create a stir.


Judging from the setup, rolling off the bed and on to the floor carries no pain penalty - it's hard to see where the bed ends and the floor begins, because it is all soft and safe. Understandable, after all you don't want your kids to be hurt. However, since the location of the bed isn't firmly defined by some obvious physical barrier, it must be tempting to roll off, or to just sleep on the parts of the bed that spread out. It makes sleeping on the floor comfortable and inviting.

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