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August 13, 2013



Hey, at least you know it wasn't a Louis CK dentist experience.


You'll have to refresh my memory. That's a bit I can't think of at the moment.


On more than one occasion I have had the same experience of becoming ill after visiting the dentist. Some have said that the culprit is the suction device that they use.

The six to eight inch wand that they put in your mouth is sterilized in the autoclave but there is backwash from the tube to which it is attached. That goes into everybody's mouth.

Possibly it is some of the debris that is freed up in my mouth and which inevitably ends up going down my throat. I am not one who is squeamish about visiting the dentist but it is still stressful. Stress supports disease.

Dentistry is a racket. They rake in even more money than doctors. Just about every person on earth has a mouth and oral hygiene, or the lack of it, are strongly correlated with the onset of heart disease. one of the major killers.

Often health insurance, if one has it, often does not include dental as though the mouth and teeth were somehow foreign to the human body.

I noticed that dental associations were at the top of the top-ten list of contributors to my local Representative to the U.S. Congre$$.

Otherwise a ubiquitously necessary product would be widely available at low cost. There is no price competition in dentistry, just high and higher. Any dentist who doesn't play the game is drummed out of the corp.


I might suspect the dentist visit but my wife and children who have been sick probably gave their virus to me. My wife was sick for 3 weeks.


It might be selective memory loss, then. Louie was at the dentist and went under, then had tripped out dreams that involved the dentist feeding him a banana with the skin on it, telling him not to bite down; Louis wakes up coughing and the dentist is turned the other way, zipping up his fly.

Season one, episode 10 - funny stuff.


I do remember it now.

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