A reader writes:
I stumbled across your review of the Sangean WR-11 radio. Nice review. I ended up buying one after reading your comparison to the Model one. I am a happy Tivoli Pal owner, but had the need for a second tabletop in my home office while the Pal lives in the bathroom.
Anyway, I read that you had to adjust your FM tuner to have the readout correct for the station you had tuned into. My needle is also off in the FM. Before I tear into this thing to try to figure out what to adjust, is it something easy to adjust? Is it a simple trim pot or something like that? I couldn't really tell from your photos what you adjusted.
Any advice would be appreciated. Back to reading your blog now.
Grundig G3 discontinued,Tecsun PL880 on it's way-says The SWLing Post http://swling.com/blog/2013/09/grundig-g3-discontinued-tecsun-pl-880-on-the-way/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheSwlingPost+%28The+SWLing+Post%29
Posted by: Vimal Oberoi | September 18, 2013 at 11:44 AM
It's been a while since I adjusted my WR-11, but it seems like it only took an adjustment of one of the pots on the back of the variable capacitor.
Posted by: Scooby214 | September 19, 2013 at 05:03 PM
FM is a bit more tricky to tune properly than the AM side of a tuner as you can't really do it properly by ear. Adjusting for dial position my throw everything off by a hair, but it won't be anything drastic or detrimental, but rather very slight.
According to the pictures I found here...
...the tuning cap is behind a shield with the trim caps accessible though holes...
Now the fun part; which one is it? We don't know.
Make a slight adjustment and listen for a change while dialed in to a weak station around 98. If you don't hear anything you've obviously moved the wrong one. Put it back to where it was as closely as possible. If you've moved the wrong one it's a good idea to make sure it's adjusted properly. You may want to do a fill trim alignment for both bands being as you will be working blind.
The four trim caps (basically) are:
FM frequency (dial position)
FM trim (sensitivity (around 98MHz))
AM frequency (dial position)
AM trim (sensitivity (around 1400KHz))
Posted by: Drive-In-Freak | September 26, 2013 at 02:58 PM
Thiecom has a service manual for the WR-1, which in essence is identical to the WR-11. It could help you finding the right adjustment positions.
Download link (PDF, 19Mb): http://www.thiecom.de/ftp/sangean/wr1/wr1-servicemanual.pdf
Posted by: Harry | September 27, 2013 at 07:27 AM