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September 22, 2013



Eleven for how long?


Gary, my plan would be to go up to 14 over the next year or two in my new watch collecting mode. There is precedent for this: I used to buy one or two radios a month, between 2004 and 2009; and then it slowed way down.


That will leave room for a few of the micro-brand divers that you and Jonny have been discussing, should you decide to go that route.


Two questions, Jeff. One, did you order them in a kind of hierarchy? Two, I take it you are going to sell all of your Venoms?


Jonny, no hierarchy in that list. If the Tuna is what I think it is, it may render the Venoms irrelevant to my collection. Even my stainless steel bracelet Eco Drive diver. But we'll see. Today I wore my braceleted Eco Drive and when I got home I was relieved to take it off and put on my second gen Black Monster.


Your comment about being relieved to get home and change watches----makes me think of something: I think the watch obsession goes into dangerous territory sometimes. I mean, for me----This Wednesday, I'm planning to meet a woman I dated 20 years ago (when we were in our 20s)It'll be the first time we've seen each other in about 20 years. I'm already considering what watch I'm going to wear. Not where we're meeting, what we're doing or what I'm wearing----but what watch is the right one for the occasion.


Just remember, Angelo, that she probably won't notice your watch - unless she's a gold-digger and is trying to assess your income level, that is.

This doesn't negate the importance of picking out the right watch, but it clarifies it - its for you, your own confidence.

Oh and by the way, good luck! That sounds exciting and a bit nerve-wracking.


Jeff, I would think that if a watch was going to make your Venoms irrelevant, or at least the orange one, it would be the Depthmaster.

But what you wrote spurred an idea. Maybe watches exist on a massive, complex "Watch Tree." The further up the branch, the closer you get to the archeyptal "Perfect Watch". A "grail" is a watch that is further up the branch than your usual location. Really crappy watches are twig tips, with little "archetypal resonance."

The point being, maybe the Tuna is further up the branch(es) than any watch you've owned in terms of your various tastes. This is how "lesser" watches are made irrelevant.


Jonny: Interesting analogy. To take it further, I caution you that trees continue to grow until they die. Also, limbs fall off----sometimes including large, high limbs. New branches replace old branches.

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