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October 30, 2013



I might split the difference and go for two watches. Anyhow, can I buy used? That makes a big difference.

I might go for something like this:

ONE: Oris Titan ($1100 discounted new), small second hand OR Orient Saturation Diver

TWO: OSD used ($700) and maybe a used micro-diver of some kind.

THREE: Orient Revolver used ($350), Citizen Signature used ($400), Orient Star Seeker used ($450). That sort of thing.

There are so many different ways to go. I find this exercise more stressful.

I could get into pens. I dig stationary and enjoy mechanical pencils and different types of pens. My favorites are the Staedtler Pigment Liner, which are the German version to the Japanese Microns.


Ah, pens. My wife would be happier.

And I agree: I've created a stressful exercise.


By the way, that Citizen looks a lot nicer in that picture than the stock photos I've seen. I believe that's a big and chunky watch.


Citizen looks like a great every day watch. Funny, the least expensive of the bunch, the SNAB69, is yelling at me the loudest. And just when I thought a watch had to be over a grand to have cachet. A month has passed since getting the Tuna and the itch is back. Damn, man. And I worked so hard to get my collection down to a manageable size. Hydra monsters, here we come.


Ha ha, I feel your pain. Al Pacino said it best: "Every time I try to get out, they just pull me right back in!"

This is why, I think, its good to have a "soft bottom half" to one's collection. You might have a few watches that are lifelong keepers, then a few more that are year+ keepers, but then have a few that are watches you keep for a few months or up to a year, then sell when you want something new.

If you have an itch for a watch that is "only" $225, you're doing OK.


This is an easy one for me. I'd go for the three. It's not that I don't see value in one premium flagship and no others----but my personality leans toward more is better as a collective---even if the individuals in the collection all fall short of one upgraded watch. Safety in numbers I guess.


There's this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Invicta-Subaqua-Noma-I-Valjoux-7750-Meteorite-Dial-/321234498107?pt=Wristwatches&hash=item4acb11723b


That might be my all-time favorite Invicta, Angelo. I'd never spend $700+ on any Invicta, though.

Jeffrey McMahon

Great looking Invicta, but I'd get a Golgo or an Oris Aquis at that price point. Or an OSD.


Or all three, eventually.

On a different note, I find myself gravitating back to this modified 2nd gen Black Monster for $300:



I didn't even know there was an all black second gen Monster.

On another watch note, lately I've been craving my Tuna to be back on the rubber strap. It looks great on the bracelet but there's something purposeful about the strap that appeals to me.


My Seiko SNAB67 that I should have never sold:


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