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October 22, 2013


Mark Roberts

"In development" with projected release date of January 2014. If it's a DSP radio, I think it could be quite promising, judging by the CC Pocket.


I mentioned the CC Skywave here a week ago. It looks like it might be interesting, but it's too bad it doesn't have SSB.


What Mr. Crane should do is implement a proprietary plug, a "CC Socket", that allows you to plug in a wired remote module (like the Twin Coil controller) that has the circuitry/interface for SSB/sync, attenuation, etc.; that way only those who want the extra complexity/expense of these features need deal with it, the radio is otherwise the same user-friendly simple and straightforward unit as before.

Vimal Oberoi

"Good news is that time is not far off when made in India DRM radio receivers will be available in the market! In fact nowadays India is bubbling with DRM Digital Radio activities."

Vimal Oberoi

"Meloson S8 Rechargeable AM/FM Shortwave DSP (Digital Signal Processing) Radio, MP3 Player & Portable Speaker with Built-in Micro SD/TF Card Reader" available at Amazon for $45.00


Does anyone know if you can tune the S8 in 1 khz steps?


I still say that a shortwave radio without SSB is like a TV back in the bad old days that'll only get the VHF channels...you're missing way too much.
That being said I do like the new "DSP" things (I think it's safe to assume that's what the new Skywave is), though I think they will improve over time. Perhaps it will get to a point where they can eliminate static (or at least take some of it out), or who knows what they will be capable of. One welcome improvement would be tuning that's more stable...something that seems more analog. Most o f them see m to tune like an old DX440's tuning knob...almost random. How fast will it go this time? Spin the wheel of chance and let's see where it'll land.

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