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November 20, 2013






Id wait till the bugs are worked out. I never purchase a new radio till a year later. Be patient.


C. Crane is selling the CCRadio-2E for $20 off through 11/26/13.



Can't see how they can improve on the PL-660. This is what will happen. People will complain and gripe about the radio at first.

Bob C.

Better selectivity is how they can improve on the PL-660. The DSP chip that is deployed in the current Tecsun portables allows for greater selectivity than a PLL tuner (like that of the PL-660) is generally capable of.

Now, if the PL-880 has the positives of the PL-660 while also featuring the selectivity of the PL-390, it will be awesome. That said, i'll wait a bit before buying to see of there are any annoying bugs that need to be addressed.

By the way, you need to look at a lot of reviews before a trend can be revealed. I say this because each model has plusses and minuses that are exaggerated depending on the RF characteristics of your location. Some radios do better dealing with overload, and are thus great in a location with a lot of strong signals but not as much in a remote location. Others are very sensitive but not as selective and are thus not as high-performing in a busy metro area. The DSP models seem to offer both positives on FM, decent SW, but AM is somewhat compromised. That's where the PL-880 needs to be head and shoulders above the PL-310, etc. With a larger radio and ferrite rod, this may be possible.


User manual PL-880


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