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November 19, 2013



A note about Rolex: Some of the more expensive Rolex models include gold and diamonds----so you're paying for intrinsic value in addition to the reputation for luxury and fine Swiss watchmaking. You're also buying strong resale value----they hold a very high percentage of their value, much more so than many non-swiss luxury watches do. In a generation to come----your child who inherits your Rolex and who doesn't wear watches----will be able to sell it for a tidy sum. The same can't be said of all expensive watches---fads/trends that come and go.


The cynic in me wonders whether the intangibles would be there if you didn't know the watch cost $5000. If you took a pretty good watch, an Orient for example, and relabeled it as a Rolex, and relabeled a Rolex as a Seiko, I have to suspect that a thousand watch geeks would line up to tell you in detail how the Faulex had wonderful intangible qualities that the mislabeled real Rolex didn't. "It's a pretty good watch," they'd say, "but it just doesn't have that air of quality this 'Rolex' does."


That may be true, Bill. I think I read somewhere that a bunch of wine critiques couldn't tell the difference between red and white in a blind taste test, which seems crazy to me, although it might be because I always drink white chilled and red at room temperature. But the point is: so much is a figment of the mind, what Jeff likes to call a chimera.


Speaking of Rolex, here's an interesting article about how they make watches.


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