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December 15, 2013


Tom Welch

About a year ago here in Phoenix, AZ, I had a similar problem with the local NPR station (KJZZ)which at the time was having transmitter problems. I'm actually thinking of buying the analog version of the U3 worksite radio for FM listening, something to consider. Also an internet radio may work better for you, Jeff. BTW, KCRW is the number one NPR station in the USA


This is one of those highly technical problems which we scientific experts, after rigorous investigation and extensive experimentation, would determine to be "just one of them there things."


I'd look for some form of interference close to the unit. I have a DVD player in the lounge room which causes dramatic VHF interference on my radios when it's turned on (the scanner picks around 140MHz as the peak of this hash but the broadcast FM band gets a general hit too).

Additionally, one of my neighbours (I live in an apartment) is using some form of spread spectrum device (perhaps a line bug killer or ethernet over power adapter) which occasionally causes strange transient noises even when my units are running on battery power.

The best reception I have had at this location was last week when there was a general power failure for around 2 hours which took out around 50,000 houses and businesses including 2 main regional substations. No spurious noises then... :-)

Ken K. in NJ

I find it just plain weird that different radios pick up different FM stations better than others.

For example, on Saturday Mornings I listen to Ed Sudzin's Country radio show on Rutgers WRSU, about 30 miles south of me. My various radios pick it up with varying degrees of success, but for some reason my trusty little Radio Shack DX-399, which is normally my bathroom radio, does it best.

It's not a bad little radio, but for this one station it outperforms my Tecsuns, Panny's, and Sonys.

The station also streams, so generally these days I listen via my Logitech Internet radio, which has better sound than the DX 399.

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