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February 16, 2014



Sounds fun. By collaborative, do you mean people email you submissions or you have a stable of contributors that can post on their own? The latter sounds more intriguing to me, although you would probably have to retain editorial rights.


I have no stables, so I'd have to rely on emails, but if the same people emailed me, I suppose that would be more like the latter.


They're never going to make those little fast food ketchup packets larger. It's how they control us.


Biographical trivia tidbit before I go to bed: For awhile in my early 20s I collected hot sauce packets from Taco Bell. The Bell was where we'd go after a late night of drinking and I'd always ask for extra hot sauce. Eventually I had a whole drawer full; I'm guessing I dumped them when we moved out of that apartment in 1997 (I think). Hey, it was the mid-90s and I lived in Portland, Oregon; I thought I was being ironic.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to my drawer full of hot sauce packets. Well, I've never actually wondered until now. But chances are, they're in some garbage dump, where they've been for 17 years.


Jonny: If you didn't toss them, someone else probably did----into a landfill. And that sort of plastic doesn't degrade quickly. I'm assuming everything's still intact----certainly the sauce stays "wet" for a long time, even underground, in sealed plastic. Hopefully taco sauce buried that deep underground isn't toxic----it might burn the mouths of some insects down there.

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