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February 07, 2014



Whenever I get a new version of Office (or most other major software programs), I often find too many features changed for no reason. Usually a Google search will tell me how to do what I need to do.

BTW, were you referring to Google Drive or Google Office?


I can't stand when my work computer is updated by our I.T. department. Gary is right on target---gratuitous changes make things really miserable.


I've been to Google word processing just recently and don't know if it's Drive or Office, but I see on my bookmarks it says Drive. I should check out Office.


This YouTube video showed me how . . . finally:

A. Black

I am not sure if the following is the case in this particular instance but I have found with Microsoft that often even if the outward appearance of some feature has changed if you know the keystroke sequence to use the feature then its still the same.


I think it's actually called Google Docs. I was mixing it up with OpenOffice.

Here are a bunch of MS Office alternatives.


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